What a wild and crazy summer it has been, and now we are halfway through fall.
Tank and I have spent the summer getting ourselves healthy. Today I will talk about me . . . but don't worry, I'll tell you all about Tank in the next post.
Me ... that has been my focus as of late. Trying to get healthy enough to do ... anything! Doctor visits, lab work, podiatrist, physical therapy, oral health, and mental health care. That was my summer.
I started out strong, doing things and I hurt my back. Was it Tank? Was is gardening? I have no idea but half of June and July was working on being able to sit with any comfort. Moving was not as issue as much as sitting. Sitting to drive to see Tank. Sitting to write on the computer. Sitting to read a book. Sitting to do something other than stand. It was horrible.
As soon as that started to clear up my feet were getting worse, probably because I was standing to avoid sitting. So, off to the podiatrist. Earlier in the spring a drill was dropped on my foot and apparently pushed the bones in my toe apart a little. It makes it feel like I have a bruise on the ball of my foot all the time. So I start walking more on my left foot ... guess what! I got plantars fasciitis in my left foot. Trying to be good to my feet I was wearing good walking shoes. It took well in to August to realize that the shoe was aggravating my condition.
Well, I got some inserts from the podiatrist. Yea! that helped get my feet back in order and even helped make my walking shoes good for walking. On the right track, right?
So head out to the barn. A friend at the barn was putting some rides on Tank. I have his weigh issues under control (more on that later) so even though I am still too heavy for him, I think he can handle walking around with me on him.
I get on him and he give a little cow hop. Okay ... maybe not ... I hop off. More because I got nervous than because he was acting out. Left leg is okay but my right knee gives out.
Sick stomach ...
Light headed ...
popping as I try to walk. ...
Tank is a trooper and calm as ever. I walk him over to where I can sit down for a moment. Eventually I get up and put him away. Driving is painful but by the end of the drive I am doing okay.
Great! Maybe I am not hurt as badly as I thought.
Until I try to get out of the car. I can't walk.
Long story short (too late) I have done something to my knee I just don't know what yet. MRI scheduled.
Ugg ... I take 2 steps forward and 1 back. It hard to see any progress.
But that I one reason I want to start blogging for myself again. So I can see my progress.